Wednesday, April 9, 2008


“I rarely watch the ‘parlor walls’ or go to races or Fun parks. So I’ve lots of time for crazy thoughts, I guess. Have you seen the two hundred-foot-long billboards in the country beyond town? Did you know that once billboards ere only twenty feet long? But cars started rushing by so quickly they had to stretch the advertising out so it would last.”(p. 9)
The book Fahrenheit 451 is about the future world where everything is backwards. It is the time where people do not read but only watch media and listen to radios, where people get arrested for driving to slow and being a pedestrian and where fireman burn down houses instead of putting fire out. However, in the mist of all the modern technology there is a girl how know what is meaningful. I came to love this passage because we live in a commercialized world where everyone wants to be the same. However, the passage above proved that being different is not a bad thing. Clarisse shows that it is not an embarrassing thing to be different. Instead with the differences, we could help others to see what the world is all about. Some might think Clarisse is a little girl that does not live in the same world as Montag. Nevertheless, I think we could learn from Clarisse that being different is something to be proud of.


Young Chang said...

I really like this passage too. =) Clarisse, the youngest character in the story, says the most profound things... she says her ideas out loud, something other people were too scared to even think about doing.
This passage also sets the setting of the story, and explains the kind of world that Montag lives in.
Clarisse is different. She doesn't use her time doing things people in her world would do like going to reaces or fun parks, but uses her time for "crazy thoughts". I agree. Being different IS something to be proud of.

t.mid said...
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t.mid said...

I like how you noted that it shows what the world is now, as opposite. I realized when I read that that that is also applicable to our world now. Everything is backwards from how it should be. We, humanity, values money. We practically WORSHIP money, yet money is the root of all evil. We should be condemning it. Wars rage on and on and on for centuries until now, some even go on now, though they may be indirectly. We think war is key to winning, but with peace, everyone wins. No losers, only winners. Same in people. We all want revenge on somebody else, when peace is the key, simialr to my last example. Many contradictions in simple life, too. People get bored with being young, they want to grow up, and once they do, they just want to be younger again. We lose ur health to make money, and then spend our money to restore our health. We think so much about the future, that we forget the present, so that we're living in neither. People live as though they will never die, and when their time comes, they die as if they never lived. Our world is contradictory!! It's corrupted into a state of chaos and irony...

P.S. You should check out

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I also really thought this passage was interesting. Clarisse is an odd character. Unlike everyone else, she takes time to think, time to make meaning, and time to observe her surroundings. Like it says in the passage, she takes the time to figure out why the billboards changed from being only twenty feet long to being two hundred-foot-long. It is for the cars that rush by too quickly. Even beside this, she shows Montag many other things such as smelling leaves and rubbing dandelion under the cheeks. Through these unexpected actions, Montag changes; he comes to question the world around him and why he isn’t happy. Her questions are not only out of curiosity, but out of deep thinking. She is fearless about being different, being alone. Like you said, many people are often fearful of being different because they don’t want to be rejected or alone, and I am one of them. For example, often, there are images of who are cool and who are not in this world. Many times, we want to follow what is considered cool. One common reason people start smoking or drinking is because they think it is cool and because they don’t want to be left out. However, they don’t realize that standing up for their belief just once can result in a happier life. I really admire Clarisse for her being able to stand up for what she believes, and through her, like you said, we can learn that being different can be something to be proud of.

Salome Yom said...

I loved this passage as well! You had interesting thoughts on this passage but I thought in a different way. In this passage, I thought that Clarisse was trying to tell Montag how corrupt this world was and how indifferent people were to this depressing fact. She was practically the only one who thanked for even the tiniest things around her and viewed this world as the world full of beauty and meaningful life breathing within. I totally agree with Clarisse’s point of view and good job on your post for realizing the fact!:)