Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Guy Montag
He is a fireman that burns down houses. Montag thinks he has a pretty good life until he meets a girl named Clarisse. She shows Montag the emptiness to life without books. He realizes how important books are. Montag seeks to find more people that think like him. However, the process is not smooth. His wife betrays him and all the friends he use to have are not against him. I like Montag because is his a person that wants a change for a better life for everyone. Also it was nice to see how he did not give up and stood up for what he believes. Montag showed me that books are a major part of my life and without it I will not know the differences between right or wrong.

Clarisse McClellan
She is a seventeen year old girl who introduces a whole new world to Montag and throws him a question to think about. She lives in a whole different world. Unlike others her hobbies and interest are different from the modern world that she lives in. She loves to walk, run and watching the moon. Later she gets killed by a fast car and Montag is upset with the society. Clarisse is like a fairy in the book. She is my favorite character in the story because she is different from all the other people and for that reason she is special. She shows that the world is not what you think it is. There are more to life than what you could just see.

He is a like lifesaver to Montag. Even when his life was in danger. Faber convinces Montag to think independently for the thoughts he has and at the same time he tries to overpower Montag’s thoughts. However, Faber is a character, with Montag, that wanted to go against society to show the world that books are important. Nevertheless, it did not happen. I do not like him because he tried to use good to have the power. But he showed us that an only one person could make up their mind, and that person is yourself and no one else.

He is like the evil character in the story. He runs the Fire station where Montag worked at one point in the story. Beatty knows a great amount of literature. But he does not believe that it is helpful for the society and to the modern technologies. Beatty try’s to prove a point to Montag that books are no longer needed he fails. I do not like the character because he is one of those many people that do not care about books and does not care about violence. In Beatty character I could see that even though you may know about a topic more than other if there is no change it is no use. It is a Christian not acting upon the bible but only knowing the book.

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