Sunday, April 27, 2008

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


There are several moods in the story and the changes are so different. Fro, Montag view it starts out as satisfaction. Montag feels satisfied with being a fireman, burning houses and books, and living in the modern technology. However, everything changes when he meets a seventeen year old girl that is out of the ordinary. After a short walk with the girl Montag becomes confused. He try’s hard to figure out the truth about the society and the literary world. When he finds out that literature are an important piece of life he is disappointed. However, after he runs away from his house and, with Faber’s help, he finds “the Book People.” He is hopeful about finding others that enjoy literature. Most people will say that the book is saddening but I do not think so. It is because in the mist of confusion and the lies that Montag lives in that there is people like Clarisse that is there to make a change in the world for a better place to live. That is why I think the book is filled with hope more than sadness.


“I rarely watch the ‘parlor walls’ or go to races or Fun parks. So I’ve lots of time for crazy thoughts, I guess. Have you seen the two hundred-foot-long billboards in the country beyond town? Did you know that once billboards ere only twenty feet long? But cars started rushing by so quickly they had to stretch the advertising out so it would last.”(p. 9)
The book Fahrenheit 451 is about the future world where everything is backwards. It is the time where people do not read but only watch media and listen to radios, where people get arrested for driving to slow and being a pedestrian and where fireman burn down houses instead of putting fire out. However, in the mist of all the modern technology there is a girl how know what is meaningful. I came to love this passage because we live in a commercialized world where everyone wants to be the same. However, the passage above proved that being different is not a bad thing. Clarisse shows that it is not an embarrassing thing to be different. Instead with the differences, we could help others to see what the world is all about. Some might think Clarisse is a little girl that does not live in the same world as Montag. Nevertheless, I think we could learn from Clarisse that being different is something to be proud of.


The climax of the story would be when Montag killed his own captain, Beatty. It all started when Montag read a poem to Mildred’s guests. After that event Mildren betrayed Montag and called the fire department and told about Montag and his books. Captain Beatty and Montag arrived at Montag’s home at the same time when Mildred was leaving the house in a cab. Beatty forced Montag to brun his own house and he did as he was told. When the work was done Beatty place Montag under arrest. At that moment Montag throw flames to Beatty and kills him. He goes to his backyard and takes the books he has and runs off. When Montag commits the murder it seems as if he is still the same person as before. Even though Montag comes out as a good person when he kills Beatty I thought I saw a monster in him. I felt that when there is a moment in everyone’s life where you feel as threatened, it does not matter if you are good or evil, that we will even kill a person to save our own life. It is a sad fact however, it is true. I just hope that I wouldn’t make that mistake.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Guy Montag
He is a fireman that burns down houses. Montag thinks he has a pretty good life until he meets a girl named Clarisse. She shows Montag the emptiness to life without books. He realizes how important books are. Montag seeks to find more people that think like him. However, the process is not smooth. His wife betrays him and all the friends he use to have are not against him. I like Montag because is his a person that wants a change for a better life for everyone. Also it was nice to see how he did not give up and stood up for what he believes. Montag showed me that books are a major part of my life and without it I will not know the differences between right or wrong.

Clarisse McClellan
She is a seventeen year old girl who introduces a whole new world to Montag and throws him a question to think about. She lives in a whole different world. Unlike others her hobbies and interest are different from the modern world that she lives in. She loves to walk, run and watching the moon. Later she gets killed by a fast car and Montag is upset with the society. Clarisse is like a fairy in the book. She is my favorite character in the story because she is different from all the other people and for that reason she is special. She shows that the world is not what you think it is. There are more to life than what you could just see.

He is a like lifesaver to Montag. Even when his life was in danger. Faber convinces Montag to think independently for the thoughts he has and at the same time he tries to overpower Montag’s thoughts. However, Faber is a character, with Montag, that wanted to go against society to show the world that books are important. Nevertheless, it did not happen. I do not like him because he tried to use good to have the power. But he showed us that an only one person could make up their mind, and that person is yourself and no one else.

He is like the evil character in the story. He runs the Fire station where Montag worked at one point in the story. Beatty knows a great amount of literature. But he does not believe that it is helpful for the society and to the modern technologies. Beatty try’s to prove a point to Montag that books are no longer needed he fails. I do not like the character because he is one of those many people that do not care about books and does not care about violence. In Beatty character I could see that even though you may know about a topic more than other if there is no change it is no use. It is a Christian not acting upon the bible but only knowing the book.


The theme of this book is simple but strong. It is censorship, which means the government bans any kind of literary or any kind of thing that improves the gaining of knowledge. Censorship makes people thoughts and mind limited. In the book people are surrounded with media and modern technology which takes away the time for reading. For this reason the value of the books are useless and is only burned and the people of Montag time think it is rubbish to even own a book. Montag believe the same until he met a seventeen year old girl named Clarisse McClellan and change is thoughts about book and takes him to a whole other world.
This book has a good moral and a theme which could help tell an important fact about books to the teenager living in 2008. A majority of the teenager thinks that reading books are waste of time and think that watching a movie is the same as reading. However, in the book Montag proves that this is not true. It shows that due to the modern technologies and development that people have lost interest in books and put computer games, television programs a priority. But the books show that books are important in life and give us wisdom by telling the furious fireman story and other problems.


I choose to write about how I feel about the book. Bad or Good.

The book Fahrenheit 451 is a book I would have never thought of reading but for blogging I choose these book. It turned out to be the most unique and a good comparison to the future. At the same time it is a story that I could relate to my own life because I am a teenage that dislike reading books. From a young age I haven’t had the chance of reading a book that inspired my life. However, the book Fahrenheit 451 helped me look at the literary world in a different point of view. I had the same thoughts about literature and books like the world that Guy Montag lived in. Nevertheless seeing how Montag and the others like him to stand up for what they believe about the literary world made me open my eyes to a positive side of literature.

The courage of Montag and the danger that he risk was unbelievable. Even though depressing events happened that put him to shame, such as his wife running away from his house, he stood strong and kept on believing what other criticize and disapproved. Not only believing he also tried to share literature to other too show them the wonders of writing. This made me see how people are passionate about literature and the love they have towards it. It helped me to bring a conclusion about literature. It made me realize that literature is a piece of art that needs to be respected. Also, it seems as if it does not matter what happens to books but without it all man kind will not have the wisdom we all have today. Know when I look back and see all the chances I had of reading book it disappoints me that I did not spend the time to do so.