Friday, March 7, 2008


*Animal Farm is a short story. However, the mood changes throughout the story. The main mood that is shown throughout the story is rebellious. The front part of the story’s mood is mainly madness. Than, when the story is stuck in the conflict, it is shocking and secretive. When Snowball is chase and when they change the commandment on the wall. Also when the pigs walk on their feet. Mainly the pig’s action and conflicts shows us the mood of the story. The mood sounds like it is violent, but the story saddens me in the way that how Napoleon treats others. The other animals except for the pigs are treated as if they were not a living being. It looks as if the animals were slaves of the pigs and did not have the education or the knowledge to defend them. This is why the story saddens me. Also the story saddens me that the pigs had the idea of doing this to the other animals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree what you said about Napoleon and few other pigs 'using' the other animals for their own, selfish profit. While the pigs are trying to be more like the actual human beings, the other animals are just the same; working, laboring, being slaved…and they do not have a single idea that they are being used. Their actual purpose for the rebellion was not to be enslaved by humans, but nothing has changed until then except the fact that Napoleon is the one enslaving them this time.
However, I think a little more explanations, thoughts, and opinions would have helped me understand better why you think like this. This post is good, but personally, there aren’t real strong evidences to be depended on. If you add more of those, this post will be superb at letting the readers know why the novel ‘Animal Farm’ could be sad in some ways. However, it’s still a good post. Well done.