Friday, March 7, 2008

-The main characters

* Others might disagree on my thought; however, I think the main characters are Napoleon and Boxer more than Napoleon and Snowball. Boxer is a horse that works three times as harder than his average wage. He does his best even though no one asks him. As he was working on rebuilding of the windmill, one day he injured his leg, putting him in a situation where he could not walk or work. Because of his disabilities Boxer was killed and Napoleon was the back plot of the killing. If Boxer was a human I would want to be just like him. He is loved by everyone and he cares for everyone. If everyone on earth was like him the world will be a happy place to live on. But reality shows us that it is impossible. On the other hand Napoleon is a greedy little pig that uses his talents to benefit himself and only himself. First he kicks out Snowball, than tells lies and finally goes against the commandment. My hope is that I won’t be like Napoleon. Nevertheless, inside of me there will always be a part of me that is Napoleon. Even the people that try to do nice things, they all have a side of Napoleon. I guess because we are al humans we need to live with it. That is why the world is filled with bad things that we can not over come. However, if we try our best to be like Boxer, and be a thoughtful person, the world will become a better place to live for all of us.


hnas565 said...

I thought at first that the main characters were Snowball and Napoleon, because they were the leaders in the farm, but as i read the story further i realized the main characters weren't Snowball and Napoleon, but Boxer and Napoleon. Thus, i agree what you said. In the novel, Boxer and Napoleon were mentioned many times in many places. THEY WERE THE ONLY SIGNIFICANT ANIMALS. If that was said, isn't Squeler a major character as well? alas, i thought of him minorly, the simple fact he was just a false teacher.
Hmm... I wouldn't necessary want to be totally like Boxer, because he may have strength and friendliness, but he has no brains and wisdom. If he had more knowledge, i would definetely adore him.
Your right with everything you say about Napoleon. We are somehow Napoleon ourselves, and therefore act strange ways, just like Napoleon would.
Nice well-written response

Brian Ryu said...

I find your explanation about the main characters special because you said that the main characters are Napoleon and Boxer. I think you have a point there. As I was reading the novel, I have also found Boxer as an important character too. However, I quite disagree with you because I think Boxer is just a character who could teac the readers a lesson. The basic idea is that Napoleon's cheating and selfishness. Boxer might be a poor character who is sacrificed, but I think Snowball is more important than Boxer. Still, I agree with how you wrote about Napoleon and your ideas are fresh and new. It seems that you have thought a lot about this issue and took some risk to write that Snowball is important.

Jane Kim said...

The point you wrote that Napoleon and Boxer were the only main characters sounded creative and different from other people's idea. Also, adding explanation of the characters was helpful to understand the point you're going to make. Just as you wrote, I don't want to be like greedy Napoleon. But I also agree that everyone has Napoleon inside of their mind. Wouldn't it be better to have a world full with Boxer with cleverness rather than greedy Napoleon? I wish the world was full of smart Boxer to have pure and hopeful society.