Friday, March 7, 2008

-meaningful passage

* On page 67-68 Snowball and Napoleon disagree about the building of the windmill. The argument led to the chasing of Snowball. Snowball was kicked out by the six puppies that Napoleon trained. This is meaningful to me because thought this passage I could see the humanity in us. Napoleon is the man that bosses people around with the power that he has own because of his intelligent. Snowball is like a man that helps people with his intelligent. I could reflect my own self with these two pigs. In one way I am like Napoleon, with evil spirit inside me that only wants bad things to happen to other people. However on the other hand I could see myself as Snowball, wanting others to benefit with my help. I think this passage could be a benefit with all of us and could be meaningful for everyone.


*Animal Farm is a short story. However, the mood changes throughout the story. The main mood that is shown throughout the story is rebellious. The front part of the story’s mood is mainly madness. Than, when the story is stuck in the conflict, it is shocking and secretive. When Snowball is chase and when they change the commandment on the wall. Also when the pigs walk on their feet. Mainly the pig’s action and conflicts shows us the mood of the story. The mood sounds like it is violent, but the story saddens me in the way that how Napoleon treats others. The other animals except for the pigs are treated as if they were not a living being. It looks as if the animals were slaves of the pigs and did not have the education or the knowledge to defend them. This is why the story saddens me. Also the story saddens me that the pigs had the idea of doing this to the other animals.


* In this book it is hard to say that there is only one climax. There is the first climax when the animals rebelled and kicked out Mr.Jones and his companions. It was a new start for all the animals. They had a life of freedom, and had no rules of the human’s. They had made new commandments to keep the farm together and banish all human’s stuff. If one put to much pressure, as human, we react by showing it in our action. Therefore I think the animals had the right to rebel. The second climax was when Napoleon let loose of the six puppies that he had train, which had grown to large animal and chased Snowball out of the farm. Napoleon is a selfish pig that wants to rule the farm and have all the power. That was reason why he chased Snowball out. When people are overpowered by their own greed they are possible of doing anything. Finally the last climax is when the pigs walk on their two legs instead of walking on four feet. It shows that they are not following the rule and becoming more like the humans. The climax shows that the pigs have taken over the farm and is not equal. I think it was a good idea to rebel against the Humans; I would have gone the same thing. However, I am against of the things that the pigs have done; especially what Napoleon did and wish that they weren’t people like Napoleon in the world.


* In this book it is hard to say that there is only one climax. There is the first climax when the animals rebelled and kicked out Mr.Jones and his companions. It was a new start for all the animals. They had a life of freedom, and had no rules of the human’s. They had made new commandments to keep the farm together and banish all human’s stuff. If one put to much pressure, as human, we react by showing it in our action. Therefore I think the animals had the right to rebel. The second climax was when Napoleon let loose of the six puppies that he had train, which had grown to large animal and chased Snowball out of the farm. Napoleon is a selfish pig that wants to rule the farm and have all the power. That was reason why he chased Snowball out. When people are overpowered by their own greed they are possible of doing anything. Finally the last climax is when the pigs walk on their two legs instead of walking on four feet. It shows that they are not following the rule and becoming more like the humans. The climax shows that the pigs have taken over the farm and is not equal. I think it was a good idea to rebel against the Humans; I would have gone the same thing. However, I am against of the things that the pigs have done; especially what Napoleon did and wish that they weren’t people like Napoleon in the world.

-Entery of my choice: My Thougths on the book

*The first time I heard that there was a book called, Animal Farm, I thought it was dumb. The book, itself looked boring, and it took me while to open the book and start reading. Before I started reading I heard little bites of the story. The more I learned about the story I had a negative thoughts. Time passed and I knew I needed to read the book no matter what. I took a deep breath and started reading. The first few chapters were the hard part of the reading, but as I went on the story became more interesting and more exciting moments happened. The reason why choose this book was because it was short and it sounded like an easy book to get an A on. However, as I read, the purpose changed that I actually like the book and wanted to read it more

-The main characters

* Others might disagree on my thought; however, I think the main characters are Napoleon and Boxer more than Napoleon and Snowball. Boxer is a horse that works three times as harder than his average wage. He does his best even though no one asks him. As he was working on rebuilding of the windmill, one day he injured his leg, putting him in a situation where he could not walk or work. Because of his disabilities Boxer was killed and Napoleon was the back plot of the killing. If Boxer was a human I would want to be just like him. He is loved by everyone and he cares for everyone. If everyone on earth was like him the world will be a happy place to live on. But reality shows us that it is impossible. On the other hand Napoleon is a greedy little pig that uses his talents to benefit himself and only himself. First he kicks out Snowball, than tells lies and finally goes against the commandment. My hope is that I won’t be like Napoleon. Nevertheless, inside of me there will always be a part of me that is Napoleon. Even the people that try to do nice things, they all have a side of Napoleon. I guess because we are al humans we need to live with it. That is why the world is filled with bad things that we can not over come. However, if we try our best to be like Boxer, and be a thoughtful person, the world will become a better place to live for all of us.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

-current situation

* Animal farm is like a Communist Country where one man has the power to control the government. In 21st century, most of the existing communist countries are gone. Nevertheless there is still North Korea that lives in the darkness of communism. They do no have freedom of speech nor do the citizens have the right to own properties. Like the story of Animal Farm where Napoleon is the pig that over powers the other animal of the farm and become the law among the animals. Kim Jung ill, the leader of North Korea, is currently in the same position as Napoleon. He has taken away the citizen’s rights and pushes the people of North Korea to work for the benefit of the country. So did Napoleon. He had said the same, but ended up being corrupted by the power he had owned and starved the others. Kim Jung Ill has people starving everyday as well as people on the streets and in one’s house dying of hunger, crying out for better lives and freedom. Yet he does not look back at the people and that the responsibility as a leader. Both, the Animal Farm and the North Korea leaders enjoy their life with riches and satisfaction not caring about what is going on in the outside world. The book, Animal Farm, shows an easy understanding of the current situation; still it does not resolve the problem nor improves the economic. Through the animal characters in the book, we could identify that humans are like the farm animal. Some are hard working trust worth like Boxer, but some enjoy evil and look down upon those who are less fortune. The author, George Orwell, was revealing the dark side of humanity and the result of greed. From the book I learned that all humans are equal no matter what, and that we should not only benefit ourselves but others too.